Writing Prompt No. 1

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Written by: Ben Beard on iPad Pro 11-inch
Source: Reddit /r/writingprompts

I’m starting a new series called  Writing Prompts where I write short stories, essays, or responses based on outside inspirations. I hope to do this often to sharpen my writing skills.
The subject of this prompt is included at the end of this post

I hear a loud ringing noise in my head as I open my eyes. I’m in a poorly lit room and my vision is very blurred. For some strange reason I feel no pain, no temperature, or warmth through my veins. Reaching down to the armrest of the chair I’m sitting in, I feel a soft velour material that feels so familiar to me. I look down to see a crimson red puffy armrest attached to my chair. Next, I reach out and rub the back of the seat to my left. Everything I touch gives me goosebumps instantly. Quickly realizing there are other people in the room with me I keep my thoughts to myself. “This seems to be some sort of movie theatre, but one I’ve never seen before”, I think to myself exploring the room with my eyes. The cinema looked brand new but had the traditional turn of the century decor. I quickly noticed the theater was filled with men and boys of various ages. Some of these men were seated very close to me and I could tell they knew who I was, but the feeling wasn’t mutual.

Suddenly, the lights dim and the giant screen in front of us lights up with a brilliance I’ve never seen before in my life. The movie begins in a hospital with a woman in labor. She’s alone, no one else is in the room with her. The medical staff enters the room as the patient wipes tears from her face. “It’s time!” Says the doctor with glee. The film starts to get very graphic; showing the entire birth with no cuts or change of camera angles. The baby is now in the arms of the doctor and it begins to let out the first big cry. The entire theater erupts with cheer and applause.

The noise settles down and the movie starts to get really boring with shots of the mother and new baby sleeping. After an hour of this I look over to the middle-aged man to my right. He looks like he’s straight out of a western movie. Cowboy boots adorn his feet and I trace his figure up to his duster jacket and notice fresh blood, a lot of blood. “Was this guy on a movie set recently?” I asked myself. I quietly leaned over towards him and whispered “Hey partner, what’s the deal with this movie?” He immediately tipped up the brim on his Stetson hat and gave me a blank stare. “This picture show here, partner, is our next lifecycle. Sit bank and enjoy the ride buddy. Let’s hope this guy does better than you.” He explained.

At this point I start having visions in my head of where I was before this place. I was with my family in the hospital. I can now remember taking my last breath and that’s when I realized that I’m dead.

Now taking the time to truly look around and observe the people in the room, it begins to click. I just talked to Wild-West-me, to my left there’s pilgrim-me, further up in the front is confused Neanderthal-me, and I also see previous-me. It seems all my previous incarnations are here watching the next me take on life. I stand up and walk over towards who I gathered was previous-me. He was a well-groomed older man wearing a fresh pressed suit. His bright white hair and beard seem to glow from the light of the movie playing in front of us. “Excuse me sir, were you the one before me?” I quietly asked the old man. “Ahh yes, welcome! I was indeed before you, and after your friend Wild Bill over there.” He replied in a proper English accent. “Oh wow, I have so many questions. Why are we here? What did you think of my life? Where are we?” I chanted to this man who was obviously not interested in my chatter.

His face began to frown as he slowly turned his head up towards me “Lister chap, find a seat and relax, we’re going to be here for a while.”









Prompt: When you die, you appear in a cinema with a number of other people who look like you. You find out that they are your previous reincarnations, and soon you all begin watching your next life on the big screen.