Star Wars: Episode VIII
Now that Disney owns the Star Wars franchise we will be treated to a new movie every year for the foreseeable future. In 2015, a new trilogy taking place after the original trilogy, started with The Force Awakens. With so many Star Wars fans having a salty taste in their mouth after the prequel trilogy from the early 00s, everyone was eager for a fresh start. Episode XIII brings us The Last Jedi.

The Last Jedi picks up right where we left off in The Force Awakens with Rey and Luke on some random island planet. That’s about all The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi have in common. A new director brings new storytelling and style to the same characters. Rian Johnson lends his talents from directing Looper to Star Wars. The changes he makes are for the better, and hopefully this trend continues. The next episode will be directed by J.J. Abrams again who brought Episode VII to life. We will see how he brings everything together.
Due to the high profile-ness of this movie, I’m not going to go on and on and on about it. If you want to read more, just Google the movie and you can spend the rest of your life reading about rumors, spoilers, theories, and opinions.
However, I will give you my opinion about The Last Jedi, in short.
The Last Jedi was much better than The Force Awakens because we didn’t have to deal with backstories or introduction of characters. This is one of the few times a sequel excels and gets right to the action. We already know and love Rey, Finn, and Poe, so now we get to see them do what they do best, fighting the New Order.
Episode XIII is a great continuation of the story set by The Force Awakens. There are a few points where it could have been better, but that’s not worth mentioning. I’m definitely looking forward to the finale in Episode IX coming in 2019.
Who should see this movie? Star Wars, sci-fi, and Rian Johnson fans.
Who shouldn’t see this movie? Haters of Star Wars and people who aren’t into fake futuristic space tales.
8.5 / 10 – The latest episode of the Star Wars proves that similar stories can be retold in new and better ways.
See more of my movie reviews here
Caution! Spoilers ahead.
What I didn’t like Space crafts in Star Wars apparently now have to worry about fuel. This was never an issue before and now it’s a huge plot point. Why haven’t we had this issue before or any shots of ships refueling? Seems like a convenient issue to have to make the storyline fit.
What I did like Kylo Ren ditching his vader-esqe mask and going full face is great. Darth Vader was a great character because of the voice and the mysterious mask. We don’t need another one of those, but it was great to see Kylo Ren being a Vader fanboy for a while.